Monday, May 27, 2013

The Flu: Friend or Foe?

When my throat started to tickle, I thought perhaps it was just being playful.  When my ears were blocked up, I actually convinced myself that some water from a swim two weeks ago had moved position and might have moved into my ears, on the last stage of its journey out of my head.

But when I had a coughing fit in the middle of reading Hairy McLeary to my daughter, and she asked me if I had just thrown up in my mouth, I knew that it was serious.

I have the flu.

Okay. I admit it. I could be exaggerating; it might just be a cold.  But a very real one.

I am Dramatic Mediterranean Woman.  I like to think of myself as the real life version of that Latino chick on Modern Family, but possibly less gorgeous, and armed with a law degree.

Back in the day, I did used to get around town like that.  Even get around the office like that.  I recall that this was around the time that the Chief Magistrate appealed to the profession to please show some respect to the court and - "this is directed at you, young ladies who batter your eyelids at us from the bar table as if that is going to hypnotise us into overlooking your ineptitude" (if you read between the lines) - please refrain from wearing such low cut tops and skin tight minis and those impossibly high f**k me boots into court, and for goodness sake, can you at least please wear a blouse over your lingerie when you step into the courtroom?

(But PS, they said, feel free to wear such delightful outfits if you go out drinking on Friday night.)

I wish that I was being Dramatic Mediterranean Woman again and exaggerating. 

But enough reminiscing. I'm in Fattie Land now.  With a head full of goobers.

And I'm not sure if I'm relieved or distressed, excited to sleep a little more, or antsy because I just need to get out and run.

I do have the bug. The running bug. (Of the 5.5km I ran/jogged on Sunday (in 40 minutes), I must have jogged at least 4km of it, as I would have walked for less than 10 minutes.)

But this other bug is very real, and I've decided to acknowledge its existence.  I've been the heroine before: you know, the I'll keep soldiering on and pushing myself even though my body needs every ounce of energy to fight this virus inside of me kind of heroine.  And many times before, it's taken me weeks, even months, to get better.

Well, I want to get back out there and run through the freezing, dark but not at all forbidding morning, poste haste and so this morning, I chose sleep.


  1. You poor thing. Get well soon, rest up and keep up the fluids. That running bug will wait for you to get well before you catch it. Take care

  2. If I've learnt anything over this 12WBT it's that kids are very observant and say the most interesting things.

    As Kate has said, rest up and get plenty of fluids; the more you rest, the sooner you will get better, and the sooner you can go back out there and get your banging Mediterranean bod back!

  3. Thanks Ladies; I've not done a single ounce of exercise these past few days (except for a little walk to and from the shops) and at least this 'cold' hasn't turned into something well, more dramatic!

    And yes, kids are very observant. One of the last straws for me was when my 3.5 year old said to me, "Mummy, you are FAT!", and then, upon seeing how upset I was, said that she was only joking - but we both knew that she wasn't.

    I'm itching to get out there tomorrow, and I think that I will.

    And I'm looking forward to logging on to both of your blogs tonight (hubs is looking after bubs tonight). Thanks for your support. D x
