Wednesday, May 15, 2013

12WBT - Day 4 - It's going to be ok

Yes, the sky might be falling, but it's going to be ok.

I know this, because I have survived over 3 days of the 12wbt without imploding, exploding or collapsing wherever I happened to be and curling up in the foetal position until someone fed me a lemon tart.

And this morning, something wonderful happened.  The (incidentally, tall, slim and radiant) chick (let's just call her Amazon Woman) who runs the cafe where I have been going for the last couple of years for my morning skim-milk-flat-white said, "Thanks gorgeous girl" as I said goodbye on my way out.  For the first time, ever.

This caused me to wonder: why all of a sudden am I a Gorgeous Girl?

Could it be the 2.2 kilograms that I have lost in the last week?  No, I don't think so.  When you're this big, people don't notice that you're a New Improved You until 5 or 10 kilograms at least, I imagine.

I think that it could just be that I walked a little taller (possibly pride sneaking in already?), I smiled a little more, and rather than replying, "Oh, I'm sooo tired!" when Amazon Woman practically roared her usual "How aaaare you?!" greeting, I sang back, "Great!  How are you!".

I'm pretty sure that I noticed Amazon Woman blink.  That's her version of surprise. 

And then I kept on smiling and saying nice, happy things, until I got out of there and wondered what the hell had happened to me.

Oh.  I get it.  Exercising.  Eating healthy portions of healthy food.  Having an hour to clear my head and then fill it with positive thoughts like how I'm going to rock that dress at my fortieth.  That's how I'm already starting to give off that Gorgeous Girl vibe.

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